Social network marketing is becoming quite attractive for small businesses or even large companies' promotional strategies because of its ease of use and inexpensive nature. People think that it would be quite difficult to screw up on using social network marketing.
The truth is that while social networks are definitely quite easy to use while still proving to be quite an effective platform for promotions, some pitfalls must be avoided when using them. Falling into these pitfalls or other mistakes could damage your company in an expensive or even irreparable manner. Thus, it would be important to know what they are so that you can easily avoid them.
Some example of these pitfalls in social network marketing includes:
Using copyrighted content:
One thing that could lead you to trouble when doing social network marketing is when you use copyrighted content as a basis for your promotions. It could be an image, a music clip, or even a video clip that you found on the web and then used on your own website.
The problem with this is that since it is so easy to copy and paste content to your social networks, you may be opening it up to inadvertently using something already copyrighted by their owners. This could lead to your campaign materials being taken down or, worse, having to pay damages/royalties to the owner of the copyrighted material.
Another common pitfall, when doing social network marketing would be spamming. It would help if you understood a wonderful line between sending update messages t full-blown spamming. As such, you may want to try an approach that focuses on quality over quantity.
Instead of sending messages about each and everything you do to the network, you may want to try giving them updated when important events would come.