Just a few days ago, the company Apple announced their iPhone 4g to the world. This has led to many people wanting one not only for its phone capabilities but also for their mobile internet functionality. In fact, you can even lump in the iPad or all the other handheld devices that would still provide users with access to the internet to show just how mobile we are getting when it comes to our internet connections.
It would be best to understand that this trend or this shift to the mobile internet age would definitely affect how a small business or even a large company would do their social network marketing. Changes would have to be in effect if you were just used to computer-based (desktop or laptop) methods when you are engaged in this kind of promotion.
Some adjustments that you would have to make would include:
Shortening the length of your messages:
One of the things that people use mobile internet would be a quick check of the messages or even a quick browse of a website's content. As such, they may be turned off by having very long content or hard to read messages coming from your social networking page.
You should adjust by making sure that your content can be easily digested without taking too much time.
The use of multimedia on your site and messages:
It would help if you also understood that plenty of these mobile internet devices have limited capability to display all your multimedia-based content. While images may be easy to load, the same cannot be said for videos or audio files.
You may want to scale back on these when trying to use social network marketing for a demographic that would rely primarily on mobile internet