Increasing the members of you social network

As mentioned in countless posts before, having a page in

Increasing the members of you social network

Posted on: March 2, 2012
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As mentioned in countless posts before, having a page in a famous social network can boost people’s awareness about your business. The social networking sites nowadays have meant a new platform for people to market or advertise their products and services. However, simply having a social networking page is not very effective and does not maximize your presence on the internet. This is especially true if you only have a limited number of followers, members, or fans of your business’ products or services.  Having a few people means only a selected few would be able to benefit fully. This is why aside from putting up a social networking page, increasing the number of members should also be one of your goals. Remember that having more members means an increased audience for you to talk about your products. Link your social networking site to your blogs: If you have an external blog (a blog outside your social networking account) that you use to talk about your products, then you should try to add a link that says “Add me on Facebook” (or other social networking sites). This would allow you to get your regular readers to join your social networking page, thereby increasing the number of members in your network. Use your profile as a link when you comment on other posts: Comment areas nowadays would usually have a website link that they attach to your username. You could use this to your advantage and place the link to your social networking profile. Of course, you should always try to give out insightful comments and not just spam the comment areas to have a link. Remember that spamming would lead to a lot of negativity towards your site and your business.

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